About Us
For Veterans
Social Security

CFS Sample Funeral Home
515 N Elm Street
Greensboro, MA 27401
Tel: 1-336-574-3438

Our facility is wheelchair accessible

Obituary Mailing List


We are pleased to provide you with the ability to receive email notifications of obituaries posted at our website.

Subscribers will receive an email notification within an hour of us posting an obituary or death notice at our website. This is a complimentary service and you can unsubscribe at any time. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose and will not be shared with third parties.

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Important note

Many Internet/email providers and related email software block notification messages that are generated by services such as ours. Please click on the article below to add our notification address to your 'safe senders' list.

Substitute the references to the domain and email addresses in the article with the following values:

Domain: cfsfuneralhomes.com
Email address: obituaries@cfsfuneralhomes.com

Click here to review the article

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