Steven M. Hyland

Died: Wed., Dec. 12, 2018


3:00 PM to 8:00 PM, Sun., Dec. 16, 2018
Location: Thomas McInerney's Sons Funeral Home

Prayer Service

8:00 PM to 8:30 PM, Sun., Dec. 16, 2018
Location: Thomas McInerney's Sons funeral home

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Steven M. Hyland. 66 years. Veteran United States Army. Devoted father of Gene (Katrina) Hyland. Loving Papa of Leah, Gwen, and Abby Hyland. Cherished son of the late Patrick (Corky) and late Marion (nee Vandenberg) Hyland. Dear brother of Linda (late Dan) Leahy and Dave (late Mary Joyce) Hyland. Survived by Gene’s Mother Barb Hyland. Fond uncle of the late John Leahy, Dan Leahy, Mike (MaryJo) Leahy, Karrie (Kevin) Mallo, Pat (Kari) Leahy, Kelly (Marty Kuber) Hyland, Kate (Tom) Bailey, Kathleen (Tim) Smith. Great uncle to many nieces and nephews. He always was and is a proud Irishman from Canaryville. Funeral services will be held on Sunday, December 16, 2018, at the Thomas McInerney’s Sons Funeral Home, 4635 South Wallace Street, Chicago, IL.  Visitation will begin at 3:00 p.m. and conclude with an 8:00 p.m. prayer service. Fr. Rich Creagh officiating. Int: Private. (773) 268-0703.

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