Guest Book for Cody Dalton Suggs

Provided by Lindloff-Zimmerman Funeral Home

Posted by: Steve and Kathy Williams
Mon March 11, 2013
We wish to extend  our deepest sympathy on the loss of your son Cody. We knew him through our son, also in the 1487th. As an extended military family your loss is also ours.

Posted by: Mari McKinney-Johnson
Mon March 11, 2013
To the family of Cody, I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss. There are really no words that can be said to ease your pain and sorrow. My thoughts be with each and everyone of you.

Mari McKinney-Johnson
Venice, FL.

Posted by: Susan Fudge-Will
Mon March 11, 2013
My deepest condolences for your family.  May God, friends, and the wonderful memories of your son be with you forever.

Posted by: Randy & Denise Tevepaugh
Tue March 12, 2013
Our thoughts and prayers are with your family during this difficult time.  
Our son served with Cody in the 1487th and we all feel your loss.

Posted by: Dave and Lois French Simmermon
Tue March 12, 2013
are thoughts and prayers go out to you at this time of your lost are daughter served with Cody in the 1487th she misses her battle buddy 1487th for ever.

Posted by: Ronald and Wilda Jackson
Tue March 12, 2013
Our deepest sympathies go out to you and your family.  My great niece is a battle buddy of Cody's.  May God keep you wrapped in his arms.

Posted by: Chris and Judy Noe Conrad
Tue March 12, 2013
We wish to extend our sympathy to you and all of your family.  Judy grew up in West Alexandria and knows many of the extended family members.  We are also parents of a son in the military and know first hand the hardships that military families endure..  Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Sincerely, Chris and Judy Noe Conrad

Posted by: Monty and Karen Miller
Wed March 13, 2013
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.  Our son served with Cody in the 1487th. He will be remembered and missed everyday.

Posted by: Allison Cofojohn
Wed March 13, 2013
My husband served with Cody and he told me that Cody was his first friend upon transferring to the 1487th. I am grateful for Cody's kind personality and know that he was a good man. My prayers go to your family during this time of sorrow.

Allison Cofojohn

Posted by: Nolan & Tiffany Johnson
Wed March 13, 2013
My husband served with Cody in the 1487th. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family, friends, and soldiers struggling with the loss of their friend. I know he touched many lives, and will forever be missed and remembered. Our hearts are with you!

Posted by: Terry and Beth McCartan
Wed March 13, 2013
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of your family.  We are so sorry for your loss.

Posted by: Dick Campbell and wife Jean
Wed March 13, 2013
We were heartbroken to learn of your loss. No words can fix what you are going through, but please know your family is in our prayers. If there is ANYTHING AT ALL that we can do, PLEASE let us know.  We personally didn't know Cody, but his paternal grandfather, Bob Suggs is my first cousin. His maternal grandfather, Buster, went to school with my wife Jean. His uncle, Matt Eby, went to school with my stepson, Steve Bitner, and they were friends. All we hear about Cody has been nothing short of praise, all who knew him, loved him. I am only sorry we never had the privilege. Thank you for giving the USA a son/grandson, who was willing to serve his country. He is and always will be considered a great American Hero.

Posted by: Larry and Beverly Garwood
Wed March 13, 2013
We did not get to know Cody, but our daughter Tammy went to school with Brian, so sorry to hear about about your loss and our prayer's are with the family.
We would like to thank Cody for serving our country.

Larry and Beverly Garwood

Posted by: Diana Maggard
Thu March 14, 2013
My heart goes out to the entire Eby/Suggs family.   I did not know Cody personally, but went to school with Buster (and Wanda) and I'm an aunt to  Jason Suggs.  Please know that the entire family is in my thoughts and prayers during this extremely difficult time.  May the happy memories of Cody help you through the days to come.

Posted by: Teri and Dale Newman
Thu March 14, 2013
So sorry for your loss.

Posted by: John E. Taylor
Thu March 14, 2013
You have my sympathies and prayers. I know of no greater sorrow than to bury one's own child.

I never knew Cody, but I served many years ago as a Marine. Therefore, I am brother to ALL, of every generation, who swear to be in harm's way to defend our beloved Constitution.

Chaplain, Ohio Oath Keepers

Posted by: Derrick and Cheri Grayson
Fri March 15, 2013
We have been praying for your family's strength during this time. Our son is a member serving in Afghanistan with Cody and the 1487th. We extend our deepest and sincere condolences to the entire family including those in the 1487th TC.

Posted by: SFC David Sollberger
Fri March 15, 2013
My family extend our deepest and sincere condolences to the entire family and his brothers and sisters at arms.

Posted by: Sharesa Dillhoff
Fri March 15, 2013
Wendy, Brian and family.. very sorry for your loss.. Saying special prayers for all of you...

Posted by: Katella Williams
Fri March 15, 2013
Deepest sympathy to Cody's family both personal and military. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

Posted by: Chaplain Bev of Operation: Thank You
Fri March 15, 2013
My heart and prayers go out to the entire family.  To his mother I would like to offer this verse from the Bible.  It's from the book of Isaiah, chapter 66, verse 13:  "As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted," says the Lord.  I hope those words will bring you some comfort at this difficult time.

Posted by: Lee and Donna Nester
Fri March 15, 2013
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of your family.  Sorry for your loss.

Posted by: Frances Dodds
Sat March 16, 2013
I did not know Spc. Cody D. Suggs, but wish to convey my deepest and heartfelt condolences. I was able to read about his life accomplishes and what a fine young man he was. I am so sorry for your great loss and will pray for you!

Wife of a Vietnam Veteran,
Frances Dodds

Posted by: 1SG Michael A. Kula
Sat March 16, 2013
My sincere condolences go out to all of Cody's family and friends. Cody was a good Soldier that did what he was told and always completed his mission. I never had any issues with him and that's always good as a 1SG. The unit will miss him dearly as I know you all will as well. I'm sorry we couldn't bring him home.

Posted by: Fogt Family
Sat March 16, 2013
My deepest sorrow goes out to the family members of SPC Cody Suggs. I have served with him since he joined the the 1487th TC. Cody will be missed by his extended family.

Posted by: Marilyn (Landis) and Joseph Marlin
Sat March 16, 2013
Having grown up in West Alexandria, I find it is difficult to hear of the death of a soldier from our home town.  A loss of any soldier is sad, yet this one strikes deep within our heart.

Please accept our deepest sympathy.  There are no real words one can say to ease your pain.

Your family and friends will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Posted by: Jill Weaver
Sat March 16, 2013
My deepest sympathy to Cody's family during this very difficult time. I was Cody's 6th grade teacher and I also attended the 2009 class graduating. He was a very special young man.

Posted by: Spc. Brian Miller
Sun March 17, 2013
My deepest sympathy goes out to the entire Suggs family and his friends.

Posted by: barbara miller
Sun March 17, 2013
god bless you for raising such a brave son.may the good lord keep you in peace and loving kindness.

Posted by: SGT White James
Sun March 17, 2013
My heart and prayers goes out to SPC Suggs family.  I have served with him since he joined and he is apart of the 1487th family also, we miss him everyday.  Your son is a true hero and be very proud of him, always.

Posted by: Sgt Walden, Justin E
Sun March 17, 2013
To the family and friends of Cody, my heart  goes out to you and my thoughts and prayers are with you. Cody always knew how to bring a smile to anyone's face no matter the situation. He was a friend, a brother, and a hero. I pray that you, the family of Cody, will be lifted up and comforted with the love of family and friends through this challenging time. May smiles be brought upon your faces as we remember all the great memories of Cody and all the times he did in fact bring a smile to our face. May God Bless You and Be With You All.

Posted by: Michelle Aten
Sun March 17, 2013
Wendy, I am so sorry for your loss .  I have you all in my thoughts and prayers.

Posted by: Kim Petry
Sun March 17, 2013
My thoughts, prayers, and sincere condolences are with Cody's family and friends at this time. My heartfelt thanks go to him and those still serving. Praying for all of you and your families!!
With God's blessings,
Kim Petry

Posted by: Marcia & Gary Davidson
Mon March 18, 2013
We extend our hearts to the family of SPC Cody Suggs at this very difficult time.  Our son, SGT Jason Hemmelgarn, is serving w/ the 1487th Trans CO in Afghanistan and he knew Cody very well.  We pray for your family, your friends and the 1487th soldiers.  Cody was truly an American soldier who was serving our country and that's something to be very proud of!!

God bless,
Marcia & Gary Davidson, Versailles, Ohio

Posted by: Carolyn Melling-Hopkins
Mon March 18, 2013
I want to express my deepest sympathy to you on the loss of your son Cody.  Your family is in my prayers and heart.  

Carolyn Melling-Hopkins

Posted by: Joy Hingston
Tue March 19, 2013
As a member of a ARNG and a wife of a Soldier, I know the hardships your family has gone through. I am so sorry for your loss, if there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to contact me. God Bless you all in your time of need.

Posted by: Jeff Watt
Tue March 19, 2013
I'm a former member of the 1487th and was in Desert Storm.  I am so sorry for your loss and no words can take away what has happened.  All I can ask is for your pain to be diminished with the memories you have of Cody over the past many years.  

Take care and God bless!
Jeff Watt
Sgt. 1487th Trans Co.

Posted by: SGT Sarah Thompson and Family
Wed March 20, 2013
I am so sorry for your loss, it is never easy to suffer the loss of a loved one, but to lose a child is a special pain I wish on no one. Take comfort in knowing he is a true hero. Know that he loves you, and he will always be in your heart. Remember his life, tell his story, and share his memory with others. Pass his story into the next generation so that he will reside in their hearts as well.

To you I send a wish love and peace for your family.  

The Thompson Family

Posted by: Janet Alderman
Tue July 30, 2013
Dear Brian and Wendy,
I feel for your loss.  I am the state coordinator for Ohio for a National Quilt Project called "HOME OF THE BRAVE."  I would be honored to send you a quilt made in honor and memory of your son.  Women through out Ohio have been sewing and quilting these quilts to be able to give in memory of our fallen heroes.  You can either send  me an email or go to the website:
and fill in a request.  We want you to know your son may be gone, but he isn't forgotten!

In prayers and sympathy,
Janet Alderman
Ohio State Coordinator
Home of the Brave Quilts

Posted by: Erin Lally
Mon August 12, 2013
Dear Suggs Family,
It was my great honor to carry and post Cody's flag at the Ohio Flags of Honor opening ceremony in the City of Parma Heights, Ohio this weekend.  I wanted you to know that Cody is remembered and our entire community is grateful for his commitment. loyalty, devotion and sacrifice.  As I posted his flag, I prayed for your family, that you continue to be surrounded by the love of family and friends and that strength and peace be with you.