Guest Book for Kyle Andrew Watkins

Provided by Lindloff-Zimmerman Funeral Home

Posted by: Deedee Sewell
Thu December 28, 2017
Kyle was my brother, and friend. He was such a amazing person with a big heart. I and many others wished that we could have had more time with him. He made alot of people's days. Even through his hard time he always thought of others. He will surely be missed.

Posted by: Jenelle Seale
Thu December 28, 2017
I’m so sad, I love you cousin..

Posted by: DeLioncourt
Fri December 29, 2017
So many memories and even though I’ve got small hands, I’ll hold onto all of them for both of us. I still can’t believe it. I hear the little things you’d say all the time just like you’re here. “No one is ever thinking about nothing.” Oh how you were right. You will always have a big piece of my heart in your wallet. One of the most human, talented, caring and loving people. You’d put anyone out of charisma and were always humble about it. Oh and your laugh could fix anything no matter what. I wish I had more time. I wish a lot of things. The world has lost a truly beautiful soul and will always be absent a certain beauty for a lot of us now. I’m thankful, truly for 14 years of love and friendship. I’m grateful to have known you. You were like a beautiful summer thunderstorm, thanks for showing me how to dance in the rain.

Posted by: Megan Caldwell
Fri December 29, 2017
My heart goes out to all of Kyle's family, you all have suffered many losses these past few years, and you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Kyle was someone truly special. I am so very sorry for your loss.

Posted by: Edna L Copley
Fri December 29, 2017
Thinking of you during this very difficult time. Praying for family & friends. Kyle is fondly remembered.

Posted by: Devon Hall
Fri December 29, 2017
Oh sweet Kyle. Where do I began? From the day I met you, you were always so sweet, caring, and compassionate. Never wanting anyone to have a frown on there face and if they did you were wanting to fix it. I have never met someone so positive and always making you look at things in a different perspective. Long talks with you, tears, hugs, lots of smiles that I will never forget. You truly stole a piece of my heart and I will never forget you. This world has lost such a beautiful soul and to know you for the short time you were here was a privilege. Love and miss you so much Kyle. RIP ❤️

Posted by: Amber Linville
Sun December 31, 2017
My heart hurts, prayers and hugs go out to anyone that needs it especially Kyle's family. Been my friend over 8 years always love and miss ya buddy.

Posted by: Gale Napier
Sat January 06, 2018
I never met Kyle but he was my Granddaughters Uncle.  I am so sorry for your loss, Claude.  I just found out today.  My heart goes out to you for the loss of your child.

Mon July 23, 2018
Man oh man how im going to miss you. I just wish I would love to have found out sooner I would have loved to came to the funeral after losing your sister my life changed.  I remember all three of us met like it was yesterday Omaha Street you and Leila were riding your bikes around my end  of the street I walked down to the stop sign because at that time I was allowed to go past it and Liela asked if I wanted to play I was 10 years old and I thought you were the  cutest boy I've ever seen. so I asked my mom if I could go down to your grandpas house and sure enough she said yes. you were so much shorter than I was that bright blonde hair and a bowl cut. doing Taekwondo your sister had to have braces and we would walk together and sell Yankee Candles for her grandmother's Church I know this might sound weird but I still have the blue basket that your sister left at my house that had your little sister DeeDee's name on it. And tons of picture of us. You both are the most amazing people I've ever known and I'm so happy that you are a big part of my life. And now knowing that I can't call and talk to you about old times and how I used to come over and stay at The Farmhouse and ride on your dirt bike and that one time that me you Leila Sam Alex and a few others were on that bus playing around and the dark and you were scaring us with wolf mask. Or when you and Josh Heineman where downstairs and you were playing your drums and you and I were dating and I came over without you knowing and as you're coming up the stairs I said hi Kyle you literally about peed your pants because you didn't think I would come. your dad took me to my first concert at the Preble County Fair Charlie Daniels Band I'll never forget it you Leila and I and Josh heinemann it was some good times the whole week we were non-stop at that Fair tractor Derbies and all. It was also the same week that you and I broke up we were young you were my first love as was Leila I really wish I could have more time but In memory I got you and your sister names tattooed on my back.