Guest Book for Darla (Marker) Blankenship

Provided by Lindloff-Zimmerman Funeral Home

Posted by: Doug and Dee Ladd (Dalena Spence, cousin)
Fri April 06, 2012
Please know we are sincerely sorry for the loss of Darla.  Our prayers are lifted up for all the family as you will miss her presence in your lives.  We know Darla is with her Lord and Savior, what a glorious union that is.  May you all be comforted by God's loving arms around you all.

Posted by: Jackie and Rene Nitsche
Fri April 06, 2012
Our thoughts and prayers to Cousin Darla and the entire family.  I know Darla is in heaven holding and hugging Shawne...Jamie...Gpa Jack....Dolly....Landa...Uncle Gene and all those who we have loved who are with her in heaven.   Please know we are with you in prayer and spirit.  Love Jackie Rene and Jack

Posted by: Evelyn Laughters
Fri April 06, 2012
so  sorry    for   the  familys  lost,  But    the  Lord  deceided   to  take  her  where    there  is  no  pain  .  She  will rest  now,. I know   she  will  be missed   We  love  you  Darla   ,  She  can  see and hear  us  ...   and  saying  : do  not  worriy   I am  fine  now   But  I will see you  all some   sweet day.  LOVE  YOU  DARLA    AUNT  EVELYN  AND  FAMILYeniper

Posted by: Craig Dawson
Fri April 06, 2012
My thoughts and prayers go out to Bud and Darlas family.I hadnt seen Darla much since graduation ,but will always remember her as the kind and careing person that she was.sincerely. Craig Dawson

Posted by: Denny and Liz Shumaker
Sat April 07, 2012
Bud and family.

Denny and I would like to express our sincere sympathy for your loss.  Our thoughts and prayers and with you.

Posted by: Denny and Liz Shumaker
Sat April 07, 2012
Bud and family.

Denny and I would like to express our sincere sympathy to you and your family for your loss.

Posted by: Ned & Linda Blankenship
Sat April 07, 2012
We are so sorry for your loss.  Darla was such a nice person and a joy to be around. She will truly be missed.  Our prayers go out to Bud and all the family.

Posted by: Anita Tesch
Sat April 07, 2012
Bud, I was so saddened to hear about Darla.  It has been a long time since I had seen any of you, but I always remember how sweet Darla was.  May God wrap his arms of love around all of you and know that there is no more pain for her and all is peace and love because her soul will never die.  And her memory will be kept alive in the love all your children and grandchildren.

Posted by: John and Barbara Roll
Sat April 07, 2012

Sending all our love, thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

Posted by: Paul and Patty (Templin) Jones
Sat April 07, 2012
My dear old Friend Darla, you were an inspiration to all of us in your grace of your suffering for many years. We will mourn your death, and celebrate your life. You were the kindest person I ever knew. You and Bud, in your 34 year marriage, were a testimony to love and to death do us part. Bud, thank you for taking such good care of Darla over the years, it was not easy for you or your lovely children and grandchildren. Bless you all. All her brothers, sisters and cousins, there are so many of you for us to remember in our prayers at this time. Peace to your hearts as we all mourn... and laugh... and cry in the memory of our wonderful Darla.

Posted by: Cindy Blankenship Murray
Mon April 09, 2012
My condolences to Bud and entire family. So sorry for your loss. Darla was such a nice lady and will be greatly missed. She is rejoicing in Heaven and will one day see all of us again. Praying for all of you. God Bless.

Posted by: Barb Beeler Gibbins
Mon April 09, 2012
Please accept my heartfelt sympathy Bud and for your entire family. I apologize that I won't be able to attend the services but please take comfort knowing so many are keeping you and your family in their prayers. We,also, ask for peace in your hearts. Darla will be sending her love to each of you and you will feel her in your hearts til you see her again in heaven. You have been a wonderful, devoted husband and have been blessed with a strong, loving family. May God bless you and keeping you and your family in his loving arms.

Our sincerest sympathy,
Jim and Barb Beeler Gibbins


Posted by: Gene and JoEllen Tapalman
Mon April 09, 2012
To the Blankenship and Marker family, We are saddened to hear of Darla''s passing.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

Posted by: Tracey Kehr
Tue April 10, 2012
Bud and family:
So sorry for your loss. Thinking of you today.

Tracey Kehr

Posted by: The Puckett''s
Tue April 10, 2012
Sarah and family ~

You are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time!  "Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted"  (Matthew 5:4)  Praying you can take some comfort from God's word, His love letter to us.

Bill, Jennie, Austin, & Katie

Posted by: Judy & Earl Smith
Wed April 11, 2012
Bud, So sorry to here about Darla. You have our deepest sympathy, our thoughts & prayers are with you.

Posted by: Donna shiverdecker
Thu April 12, 2012
Just found out about darla so sorry to hear about her passing she was a remarkable woman your family will be in our prayers.


Posted by: Randy Gilmer
Fri April 13, 2012
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Darla.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
The Gilmer's
Randy, Laurie, Ryan and Scott

Posted by: Keith and Cherie Reese
Tue April 24, 2012
Bud and family,

Our hearts go out to you and your family.  God has his plan for each oh us and now another chapter of your life begins.  I enjoyed working with you and meeting Darla and answering her daily phone call when you were away from your work area.  Take care. Our prayers will include you all.

Posted by: Tammy (Settles) Mathes
Sat May 12, 2012
Dear Bud,
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.  I know it's been a month, I'm sorry I didn't know before.  In this situation, a month feels like a day in the pain you feel.  
Please know that my heart hurts for you and your children.  I wish you peace and comfort.
