Guest Book for Miriam (Brown) Kelhoffer

Provided by Lindloff-Zimmerman Funeral Home

Posted by: Jack & JoNell Phillippe
Wed January 23, 2013
Dear David and Miriam's family,  JoNell and I express our deepest sympathy to you all.  We loved Miriam.  She was a wonderfull person that we all admired and enjoyed being with. Our prayers are with you, and we are sorry we can't be at the service.
JoNell and Jack

Posted by: Sandi & Jim Mulligan
Wed January 23, 2013
So sorry to hear of Miriam's passing, I still remember he smiling face in the lunch line at Madison High School. Our thoughts are with the family at this time, may you always have fond memories of your Mother.

Jim & Sandi Mulligan

Posted by: Tim Murphy & Family
Wed January 23, 2013
David, sorry to hear about your mom's passing.  Your mom will always be remembered as happy and friendly to everyone.  Sorry we can't make it to the service.

Posted by: Darrell and Shelley Friend
Thu January 24, 2013
Lynn, Cheryl,David,Scarlett and family, Miriam will be truely missed. I remember her beautiful smile and laughter. Eleanor, Miriam and Pearl were so close, Like sisters. We will keep all of you in our prayers. We are here if you need "Anything".

Darrell and Shelley Friend & family

Posted by: Marty and Bonnie Wright - Gayle Bolinger
Thu January 24, 2013
Sorry to hear about your loss.  Please except our sympathy.
Martin and Bonnie Wright

Sorry to hear about the loss of Miriam.  I worked at Madison with her for a number of years, a very nice lady.
Gayle Bolinger

Posted by: Carol Whitaker
Thu February 07, 2013
Dear David and all of Miriam's family, Rick and I extend our sympathies at Miriam's passing on. I loved having Miriam in our classes at church. I always learned a lot from her. We loved her wonderful smile and her stories, among other aspects of her being. She was a jewel!!!
Loving blessings,
Carol Whitaker