Guest Book for Donna Marie (Miller) Keller

Provided by Gubbiotti Funeral Home, LLC.

Posted by: Jane and Ken Lorow and family
Sun October 09, 2016
Sending our deepest love and thoughts to our family on the death of Donna. We have not been in touch much but when we were she was the sweetest young lady.
Not sure we can make it up to pass on the hugs but know we are thinking of you all who were so close to her.
                           Blessings from Cousin Jane and family from down river  Bloomsburg

Posted by: Alicia Michael Traver
Sun October 09, 2016
Donna was a truly warm, loving young lady that I am so glad I came to know. My prayers go out to the whole family and her friends. She is in the loving arms of Her family in heaven, no more pain and sadness. I know she leaves behind many happy memories.. Loving prayers for all!! Always remember that beautiful smile and great laugh!!

Posted by: John Hall
Sun October 09, 2016
My condolences to all of Donna's family. Donna was a great friend, always kind to me. She was one of my favorite people to work with at Karibe in West Pittston. May Donna's soul find its way to peace and paradise.

Posted by: Mary Ann Serafin
Tue October 11, 2016
Sorry for your loss of Donna