Guest Book for Ruth Trasciatti

Provided by Gubbiotti Funeral Home, LLC.

Posted by: Peter Gershon
Tue September 24, 2013
To my incredible colleague MaryAnne and your entire family:  my thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of loss.  

My condolences and my sympathies.

Peter Gershon

Posted by: Reshmi Sen
Tue September 24, 2013
My heartfelt condolence to you MaryAnne, and your family.

Posted by: Tim Fehmel
Tue September 24, 2013
Hi MaryAnne,

I was very sad to hear about your mother's passing and wanted you to kow that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Posted by: Mario A. Murillo
Tue September 24, 2013
My Dear Mary Anne,
I am deeply saddened by your loss, my heart goes out to you and your entire family. On behalf of Victoria and my family, I send you our prayers and positive thoughts during this difficult time. Much love and respect, always, Mario.

Posted by: Nancy Kaplan
Tue September 24, 2013
MaryAnne - So sorry to hear of your mother's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May her memory be for a blessing.

Posted by: Mary Testa-Smith
Wed September 25, 2013
Condolences to all the family on the passing of this wonderful woman. May your memories comfort you.

Posted by: Ruth Sergel
Wed September 25, 2013
Dear Mary Anne -

Thinking of you + your family. Sending lot's of love.

Posted by: Christa Farmer
Wed September 25, 2013
Dear Mary Anne,
My condolences to you and your whole family.
-Christa Farmer

Posted by: Jackie Grennon Brooks
Wed September 25, 2013
Mary Anne:
Thinking of you and your family as you remember special moments with your mother.
Sending warm thoughts,
Jackie Grennon Brooks

Posted by: Jerry Delamater
Wed September 25, 2013
My dear, dear friend:  I am so deeply saddened by your loss.  I know full well that nothing I can say can ease the pain, but your knowing that we all value and love you may help just a bit (I hope).  With all my heart, Jerry

Posted by: David Powell
Wed September 25, 2013
Dear Mary Anne,

My most sincere sympathies for your mother's passing. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts.


Posted by: Rosanna Perotti
Wed September 25, 2013
Mary Anne, our hearts go out to you.  Praying for strength and peace for you and your family during this difficult time.

Posted by: Lisa Merrill
Wed September 25, 2013
Dear Mary Anne,

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this hard time, dear friend. I know there are no words to lessen this loss, but I hope the support and love of your family, friends, and faith can help in some way. I am grateful that I got to meet your mother, even briefly, and to hear the stories you have shared. No doubt a good part of the strong, incredible woman you are is due to her and your dad. So all of us who love you have been touched by her life, too.

Posted by: Sybil DelGaudio
Wed September 25, 2013
Dear Mary Anne,

So sorry to hear of your Mom's passing.  Thinking of you...



Posted by: Carol Drummer
Wed September 25, 2013
I was so sorry to hear of your loss.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Posted by: Rita Hittleman
Wed September 25, 2013
Mary Anne

A mother is so special.  I read your mom's online life story and she seemed to be an interesting person.  
My thoughts are with you at this time of loss.

Posted by: Amy Baehr
Wed September 25, 2013
I am so sorry to hear about your loss, MaryAnne.

Posted by: Andrea Libresco and Mike D'Innocenzo
Thu September 26, 2013
Dear Mary Anne,

We are so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother.  We remember reading that your phone call with her after Sandy helped you to launch the important oral history project in Long Beach.  Please know that we are thinking of you and your family.

Much Love,
Andrea and Mike

Posted by: Karyn Valerius
Fri September 27, 2013
Dear Mary Anne,
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family.


Posted by: Lisa Filippi
Sun September 29, 2013
Dear Mary Anne and family,

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you at this difficult time.

Posted by: Laurie Felix
Mon September 30, 2013
Dear Mary Anne and Family,

So sorry to hear about your loss.
