Guest Book for Mark J. Kleback

Provided by Gubbiotti Funeral Home, LLC.

Posted by: Will Rideout
Thu June 04, 2015
To Donna and Family;

I was so saddened to hear of Mark's passing.  I will always remember his laugh and his hard work ethic.  I'll never forget the joke I played on Mark the time he shot a rubber band at me and I came to work the next day with an eye patch and told him this huge sob story of surgery and then took the patch off and laughed.  You told him he deserved it.  My prayers are with you and the children.  May God's strength and comfort be with you and may His love over shadow you as you go through this difficult time.

Posted by: Theresa Kelly
Thu June 04, 2015
Mrs. Kleback,

I was so heartbroken for you when I heard the news. As one of your Facebook friends, I - of course - realized how ill your husband was. I thought you and your family were so strong throughout the entire thing.

I'm a senior in college, and you're still one of my top 5 favorite teachers I've ever had (from seventh grade). I know the school will stand by you, and I hope you can find comfort in that.

-Theresa Kelly

Posted by: Jim and Terri Zezza
Thu June 04, 2015
We are so sorry to hear of Marks passing.  We have not seen him in such a long time.  The family is in our prayers.  Mark was a kind and gentle soul.  We will miss him deeply.

Posted by: Cynthia & Michael Ruane
Fri June 05, 2015
Our heartfelt condolences to the entire Kleback and Bonfanti families on the loss of your son, husband, father and friend, Mark. He defined the best qualities of each and every one of those titles. We know your faith in God and strength of character, along with the support of your loving family, will guide you through this very great loss. All our love to each and every one of you.

Posted by: Andrea and Dave Conti
Fri June 05, 2015
Donna, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Posted by: Margie Norwood
Fri June 05, 2015
My sincere condolences on the loss of your husband. I am the teacher from Pittston Area who met you in the Transplant House kitchen. Know that you and your family will be in my prayers. Sincerely, Margie.

Posted by: Columbia Stelma
Fri June 05, 2015
Please accept my deepest regrets at the loss of your husband.

Posted by: colleen shiloski
Sat June 06, 2015
Dear Joe and family,
       Very shocked and sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time.

Posted by: Cynthia & Michael Ruane
Sat June 06, 2015
Our sincere condolences on the loss of your wonderful son, husband, father, brother and friend. Mark completely defined the meaning of each and everyone of those titles.  
We know that your deep faith in God, along with the support of your loving family and the countless beautiful memories of Mark that you share, will help you through this very sad time.
All our love to both the Kleback and Bonfanti families.

Posted by: PJ Tabit
Sun June 07, 2015
I have so many happy memories of my involvement with the St. Cecilia's Youth Group. The Klebacks gave so generously of their time and talents to make that happen for me and so many others. Those experiences, and knowing Mr. Kleback, have certainly left an imprint on me.

My thoughts are with all of you during this difficult time.

PJ Tabit

Posted by: Megan Bonomo
Sun June 07, 2015
Mrs. Kleback and family,

Thinking of you and your family during this difficult time. I will always remember Mr. Kleback's warm smile and friendly face walking Lucy around the neighborhood.

Posted by: Gary and Judy Jordan
Sun June 07, 2015
We are so sorry to hear of Mark's passing. May he rest peacefully in God's arms. You and your family our thoughts and prayers.

Posted by: Jim Berrettini
Wed June 10, 2015
Dear Donna,

Deepest condolences. Keeping you and the kids in prayers. Mark was kind and funny, genuinely magnanimous. Praying for him, hoping that he'll return the favor.
