Guest Book for Paul J.M. Stebbins, Jr.

Provided by Gubbiotti Funeral Home, LLC.

Posted by: Carol Olecki
Fri March 09, 2012
Suzie,  my deepest sympathy for your loss.  You and your family are in my prayers for God''s great peace at this time.

Posted by: Mike Hadzick
Fri March 09, 2012
My deepest sympathy to you, PJ's parents, siblings, and family. I was honored to have come to know him and work with him. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God Bless!

Posted by: Tonya Stebbins
Fri March 09, 2012
I will never understand why you had to leave us. We are all in so much pain. I could really use one of your big, soft hugs right now. Your smile didn''t just light up a room, it could light up an entire city..... During a blackout! The world NEEDED more people like you. I wish everyone had the kind of brother I was lucky enough to call mine, the kind of son that cared enough to playfully irritate dad (almost religiously!) I want my sons to grow up to be the kind of man you were and my daughters to marry a man as close to perfect as Suzie got to enjoy for the past decade.  Watch over us all, little brother. You will be missed more than you could ever imagine. I would tell you to "rest in peace", except I know you aren''t resting... You are hard at work helping an Angel child or you are finding ways to strengthen Heavens Republican Party.  Keep shining baby brother. I love you!

Posted by: Agnew/Remley/Lovallo Family
Fri March 09, 2012
To the Stebbins/Blank Family

We are so sorry for your loss.  Please let us know if you need anything.

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.  


Posted by: Bob Perks
Fri March 09, 2012
I wrote this today and sent it to my readers.  I also sent it to both newspapers letters to the editor.  I am so deeply sorry for your loss.
"If you're gonna die too soon
this is the way you should live"
By Bob Perks

I read the obituaries.

I think it comes with age.  I'll either find one of my
friends parents or sadly, one of my friends.

Today I found someone I wish I called friend.
Paul John Matthew Stebbins Jr.

Maybe it was his smile that first caught my eye.  He
looked way too happy to have died.  Maybe it was that he
was too young.  

Whatever it was, I'm glad I read his obituary.  It opened
like this:
"Paul John Matthew Stebbins Jr. surprised and annoyed us
all one final time by dying suddenly Wednesday,
March 7, 2012, in Wilkes-Barre General Hospital."

I loved it!  It went on to say...
"On Aug. 25, 1979, according to him, "God gave the ladies
of the world a gift." One special woman was lucky enough
to unwrap that gift and on June 26, 2004, he married his
best friend and soul mate, of almost eight years, Suzie.
He even forgave her for being a New York Yankees fan."

The greatest part of this masterpiece for me was the
"PJ would ask that you honor his memory by donning your
favorite Red Sox ball cap and/or voting for a Republican!
His more practical family members, however, ask that you
honor him by smiling through the pain, doting upon your
children, tolerating someone difficult, making amends,
being a better friend, and most importantly -- turning to
someone you love, right now, and telling them so. These
are the qualities that he possessed and that the world
needs more of."

Yes, when I read "turning to someone you love, right now,
and telling them so," I turned to my wife, Marianne and
said, "I love you!"

Did you tell someone?

I think I want an obit like that one.  The truth is I'd have
to write it myself.  We get so trapped with conventional,
traditional, play-by-the-rules thinking in times like this.
I can't imagine who would think outside the box, color
outside the lines when writing mine.

When my next door neighbor's mom died, her daughter-in-law
wrote that she would feed apples to the deer in her back yard.
That was such a personal word about a life well lived.

She, too, was an incredible person.

I brought a big bag of apples to the church service for them.

Yes, it's sad that Paul Stebbins died so young.  But how sad
this world would have been if he never would have lived and
loved at all.

To think that in the end ones entire life is summed up in a couple
hundred words.  

I want to live so big, touch so many lives, that a book
would have to be written to capture just the highlights!

Thanks, Paul for doing just that."I wish you enough!"

Posted by: Brenda Grabowski
Fri March 09, 2012
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you! I never met PJ but heard lots about him from his sister Krissy and I always enjoyed his editorials. I must tell you his obituary was the MOST AMAZING one I have ever read...that in itself explains what type of person he was..a simple by the book obituary would not be fitting at all. The words have a way of making you smile and cry at the same time..I can only imagine how loved you are! I will keep his family and friends in my thoughts and prayers. RIP

Posted by: Miranda Stebbins
Fri March 09, 2012
Pj you ARE an amazing brother .and things like this shouldnt happen .i miss you sO much  it hurts my heart is torn..All the lives u touched all that one little impact you made  you made because you cared you made because you have a heart of gold . Why god took you away from us now we'll never know but he gained the best angel possible. Your smile your sense of humor will always lie with us .. I LOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS CAN SAY!!

Posted by: Amy McDaniels
Fri March 09, 2012
To the Stebbins/Blank Family;

I am deeply sorry for your loss.  Your family is in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Posted by: Myrtle Smith
Fri March 09, 2012
It seems like only yeaterday that i watched you and Krissy walking to the bus in glen lyon, and know you are gone.I remember seeing you and Caroline fight, laugh and cry. Know we are crying cause you are gone, we will smile when we think of  you, we will laugh at the memories of the crazy things you did, and cry cause we mis you.  You were a good parson, you will always be in my heart as one of my many kids that call me mom , so i gues that makes you a son , I will miss you, but i know that you are watching over all of us.

Posted by: Lea Black
Fri March 09, 2012
Paul John Mathew Stebbins JR.,

You were my hero and I don't know how we are going to heal from this. It wasnt the political debates or the way you let me think I could kick your rear when you got out of line. It was the smile and the comfort you brought when you would say "you know what Lee...."
You made time for everyone. You believed in keeping traditions and standing by your values. You showed all your nieces and nephews that they mattered. You valued each and every person in your life daily.
You are my Hero!
Laughter, daily deals, recipes, politics, you know your from games, even our girl talk, family lunches, who could ever fill that void?

Memories that should have me belly laughing now bring tears because selfishly I want more!

Who is going to make the girls volunteer at the polls, take them fishing, make Easter bread, who is going to argue the seperation of church and state and tell me what team I should choose in the football polls.
Who is going to be Hulk Hogan, YOU were the glue!
PJ, I can only pray you are watching over us because we all need you too!

You made Suzie a part of our family and I promise you here on earth we will watch over her but we are going to need some heavenly guidance so make sure you do your part!

I love you baby brother!

Posted by: Tyler Cowman
Fri March 09, 2012
To the family:

My name is Tyler Cowman, and I never met PJ or anyone in your family. I saw his obituary online today and it really hit home for me. PJ seemed like the type of guy I hope to be, a guy who lived his life to the fullest and the way he wanted to. I am deeply sorry for your loss and wish I could have met him. RIP

Tyler Cowman

Posted by: Kelly Hooper
Fri March 09, 2012
I met PJ about seven years ago.  We did not get along at first, him being an extremely outspoken Republican and me being a liberal.  We disagreed about many things and often didn''t see eye to eye.  PJ was the first and only person who has taught me to put such silly differences aside, that it doesn''t matter what political party you belong to, or that you have different values or ideals.  We worked with kids and he loved them so much.  He would get angry sometimes, because they weren''t treated right and it broke his heart.  He was a joker and made everyone at work laugh, and I will never forget the day he saran wrapped my desk or filled it with packing peanuts.

To PJ''s family, I am so sorry for your loss and know that he will never be forgotten.  I as well wish there were more people like him in this world, it would be a much better place.

Posted by: Mickey and Angela Blank
Fri March 09, 2012
We am so very sorry for all of you. You are all in our thoughts and prayers

Posted by: Rebecca Johnson
Fri March 09, 2012
I have never met Mr. Stebbins, but I truly wish I had. I am sure this is such a personal, very trying time for your family, and I am so sorry to have read this obituary.  I first saw it on Facebook and it is quickly being passed around, his smile, the final words used to describe him and the cheerful personality that shines from the page is amazing and is so very touching. I am so sorry you had to lose someone, but please know his obituary is touching people and he might just get his wish that strangers will smile and be a little more kind after reading it. I am so sorry for your family and for what is obvious to everyone to be quite an incredible loss.

Posted by: John Mihalchik Sr. Ashley, Pa.
Fri March 09, 2012
I wish to express my sympathy to the family.  To the best of my knowledge I never had the pleasure of meeting P.J. or any  of his family, but if there is such a thing as a really cool obit, you folks have my vote.  That was the neatest, coolest, most unique obit I ever saw and P.J. sounds as though he was a lot like myself.  Stay strong and may eternal rest grant unto him and God bless his entire family and friends.

Posted by: Kara Knight
Fri March 09, 2012
I am truley sorry for your loss, I was blessed to have known you, you are the gratest man I have ever met.You being a coach for Exeter Panthers mini football, have made such an impact on all the children, I just hope they have learned many things from you, but the one thing I hope my son learned from you is to be a god,honest man,and to treat people with respect.I have so much respect for you, and your family, they raised a great man and should be proud.And Suzie is a very lucky woman to have had the time to spend with you and to have your love, the few times I met her,she is a wonderful woman, no wonder you to choose eachother, the way he looked at you, let everyone know you were the love of his life. We will all miss you, and I hope to meet more people in my lifetime like you, we love and mis you.

Posted by: James and Rosanne Hoffman
Fri March 09, 2012
Paul, Krissy,Jeremy and family:
So sorry for the loss of PJ. He will surely be missed.  You are all in our thoughts and Prayers

Posted by: Wayne and Giselle Inniss
Fri March 09, 2012
God has called back yet another angel.  What a gain to all that PJ came into contact with.  And what a beautiful couple Pj and Suzie.  Please accept out condolences and love.
Inniss Family.

Posted by: Mickey and Angela Blank
Fri March 09, 2012
Mickey and Angela Blank
   Posted Fri March 09, 2012
We are so very sorry for all of you. You are all in our thoughts and prayers

Posted by: Mary Ann O''Boyle
Fri March 09, 2012
I did not know Paul. I read his obituary because it was circulated on facebook. I got a sense of who he was and an even bigger sense of who loved him. I have forwarded Paul's obituary on, and I hope others do the same. You paid him a wonderful tribute. It was honest, heartfelt and you should be proud of how you honored him. Paul and you have touched many people, maybe more than you realize. Thank you.

Posted by: David Wolf
Fri March 09, 2012
To Jeremy, Krissy & Family,

We were so sorry to hear about your tragic loss.  It sounds like P.J. was a wonderful person who will surely be greatly missed by his friends and family.

Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time.

Dave, Shannon, Caroline, Chris, Jon, & Sam

Posted by: Ed Rehrig
Fri March 09, 2012
I attended my first year of drafting at Vo-Tech in Mr. Shedlock's class and had the pleasure of having Paul as my classmate/friend. We had many great times driving our teacher nuts, and in fact I've had a picture of Paul in my wallet all these years later as a reminder of the good times we had at school. We may not have kept in touch after that first year of drafting, but I'll always remember how funny he was. My sincerest condolences go out to his family and friends, and please remember that he touched many people in his life, even people like me who only got to know him for one school year.

Posted by: Lynn Evans
Fri March 09, 2012
I am truly so sorry for your loss. I did not know him, but I wish I had. I am a republican, as well as a person who says what they think....I hope your family realizes how many peoples lives he touched with this wonderful obituary. It makes you want to enjoy every minute you have on this earth,as well as to appreciate the people you are lucky enough to share it with. God Bless your family, as I am sure there are ups and downs in it as in everyones elses family, but there is also loads of Love. Cherish his memory, and live your lives to the fullest on his behalf. I know it is difficlt right now but you will learn to smile again when you hear his name, and although the tears will still come it won't be as often. Your in my prayers and thank you for sharing him with all of us.

Posted by: Stanley Arnold Jr
Fri March 09, 2012
Father in heaven, today I give You all that I am. I invite You into the weak places in my life so that You can turn them into strengths. Heavenly Father, Please be with the family of (PJ) Paul Stebbins Jr, during this difficult time. Comfort his family and friends and let them be surrounded with the support and love of each other. My deepest condolences are with the family as they grieve. Eternal rest grant unto PJ oh Lord and may the perpetual light shine upon him. May God bless him and his family in this time of sorrow. May their hearts soon be filled with wonderful memories of joyful times together with PJ as they celebrate a life well lived & Take comfort in knowing that now they have a special guardian angel to watch over them. RIP PJ Stebbins Jr  8-25-79  -  3-7-12

Posted by: Maureen & Patrick McNichols
Fri March 09, 2012
We would like to express our condolences to your entire family and thank you for reminding all of us of what is important in this world, Love!!! Thank you for letting the world get a little peek into a beautiful life, you do not realize the lives you have touched & maybe changed by reminding all of us what a precious gift our life really is!!  Thank you & God Bless you all for sharing so publicly such a personal time in your lives. We will keep you all in our prayers. God''s speed Paul Stebbins Jr, God''s speed!!

Maureen & Patrick McNichols

Posted by: Austin
Fri March 09, 2012
i miss you ilove you and i miss that redsox hat and i wish you werw alive love austin

Posted by: Krissy
Fri March 09, 2012
I miss you and wish you were here w/all of  us. Austin has asked who's gonna finish his yankee wall. I know you probably couldn't bear to do it since you were a red sox fan. BrookLyn has been studying for her pssa's but i know she is as smart as you and she'll ace it. As for dad he's curious who is coming tomm. for coffee and to push his buttons. And i keep thinking who's gonna help me with my presidents and voting. Nobody followed it better than you. We all had so many memorable moments with you and now that's all we have to hold on to. I wish you were here to tell us it's ok like you always do. I can't believe your gone. Thank you for being the greatest big brother a girl can ever have. I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH.

Posted by: Joan Mikloiche
Fri March 09, 2012
I do not know Paul or anyone in his family..... I was shown the obituary for Paul by my sister, because I always said how dull and non-personal obituarys are... they never show who "the person is"..... Whoever wrote this did a truly wonderful job showing who he was.... He was a very special & remarkable person filled with life, love & happiness. I know you all will miss him.  Just know that because of Paul, he put a smile on a strangers face.....   My deepest sympathy to his wife.... and family.... and friends....   Joan

Posted by: Sarah Velehoski
Fri March 09, 2012
I had Mr Stebbins as a student teacher in thrid grade he was the nicest most understanding teacher. He will be missed greatly

Posted by: Taylor Stebbins
Sat March 10, 2012
I try to hide my emotions, maybe not try.. I just do. But around you, I didn''t hold much back. You were someone I confided in, I trusted with everything. You were more than the equivalent of an "Uncle Jesse" from my favorite childhood show "Full House." There were so many things I hadn''t gotten to do with you yet, it''s not fair that a person so full of life isn''t here, physically. I still haven''t figured it out yet, where you go, what you see, how you feel in the after life. But I hope it''s somewhere amazing. You deserve it.  You deserve more than amazing. I won''t forget anything about you. Not the cartoon drawings, tutoring me on the world map, fishing, Easter bread, Haystacks for breakfast, teasing me by calling me that Jenny..? girls name, the deep talks that made me feel invincible because you knew just what to say when I was upset.

:/ We all need you back Uncle PJ.
Love you.

Posted by: Amy Wilson
Sat March 10, 2012
To the Stebbins Family: I did not have the privilege of knowing Paul. But from his obituary, it sounds like he was one great guy. I hope it's some comfort to you today to know that the absolutely incredible obituary you wrote has gone viral on Facebook. Today, tens of thousands of people are reading about Paul, mourning your loss, and wishing we could have met him. Your tribute to him means that his memory is going on and on, far and wide. My deepest sympathy to you.

Posted by: Joe Leonardi
Sat March 10, 2012
I am very sorry for your loss. Heaven has received a new angel this week. I just learned of my friend P.j. Stebbins Jr.'s passing. I met P.J. when I was running for Congress. He saw me out getting signatures in a snow storm and immediately helped me canvas the neighborhood. He continued to assist me on my campaign and together we knocked on plenty of doors. He was a good man through and through and my heart is heavy tonight because I can honestly say that the world is a little worse place without him.

Posted by: cyndy Brissett
Sat March 10, 2012
To all of PJ''''s family,
  We send our deepest condolences to all of you. As a little boy PJ would be at our home along with his sisters many days each week. I have fond memories of all 5 of you whether it was swimming in the brook or eating supper with us, it was always lots of laughter. PJ was always a sweet little boy and obviously grew up to be just as endearing as an adult. Love the obituary you wrote, it was great! Hugs to all of you.  Cyndy and Tommy Brissett

Posted by: Eric Perry
Sun March 11, 2012
While I did not know Mr. Stebbins, that was the most touching obituary I've ever read.   He sounds like he was an amazing person with an amazing family.  I'm sorry for your loss.

Posted by: C. Paul Wheeler
Mon March 12, 2012
At one time, when PJ worked under me in CSC, he was one who I could always depend upon, and know, through his positive interaction with children, that the children who were under his charge were in very good hands.  I just learned about his passing today, otherwise I would have been to PJ's memorial service.  My heart goes out to his family.  PJ was a fine man who I respected, and could trust without hesitation; he surely will be missed.

Posted by: Jennifer
Tue March 13, 2012
As I was looking for my father in laws obituary, I saw PJ's, and it brought a tear to my eye and a smile to my face.  I never met him or anyone in the family, but I can tell you were truely blessed.  Thoughts and prayers to you all...

Posted by: Chris Hardy
Thu March 22, 2012
I never knew P.J., I only read his obituary in the newspaper. Sounds like God took one of his best home early. My prayers go out to your family. God bless.