Guest Book for George R. Schmid

Provided by Gang Memorial Chapel

Posted by: donna metz
Fri July 29, 2016
Sorry for your loss may your memories comfort you all.

Posted by: Shirley and Scott
Sat July 30, 2016
Sorry for your loss, our thoughts are with all of you.

Posted by: Bill Kohler
Sun July 31, 2016
Dear all
  I was sorry to hear of George's passing. I suppose everyone knew that his time was near. I hope his passing was peaceful. He was always a pleasure to converse with and will be missed, especially on Beaver Weekends.
                                                                                                                     Bill Kohler

Posted by: Lisa Gang Breakell
Sun July 31, 2016
I have been so blessed to have such amazing relatives who have inspired me all my life. Uncle George was one of them. When I got the chance to watch him working I noticed he worked with such dedication, detail and integrity, which is why he was so sought after as a contractor. Or when he was in conversation with his friends and family members, you could tell he was truly listening to what the person was saying and his responses were right on. He was a wonderful father and husband. I loved how he was always involving people and family in projects that benefited so many people. I always love the way my cousins would all get together to build something and then have a great party. Uncle George was not a drinker but he always seemed to enjoy the gathering. He will be missed by many, one of whom will be me.

Posted by: Ken Pacelli
Mon August 01, 2016
Dear Schmid and Gang Family,  I want to give my sincere condolences to who I remember as a great person. I am truly sorry for your loss. That being said, I am so glad that I met everyone years back and will always remember the great times we had.  Your friend for life, Ken Pacelli

Posted by: Robert Pakan
Mon August 01, 2016

TRADITIONAL FUNERAL BASKET was sent by Bob and Donna Pakan.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. The Pakan Family


Posted by: Scott Armstrong
Mon August 01, 2016
On behalf of the thousands of Scouts and Scouters positively impacted by George's generosity and service we wish his family peace and fond memories. We thank you for sharing this wonderful man with local Scouting for decades. Our deepest condolences on his passing.

-Scott Armstrong
Past Longhouse Council President & Executive Committee Member

Posted by: Ed Kelsey
Wed August 03, 2016
Our thoughts and prayers are with family and friends keep the faith as George did and it will see you through these difficult days.                          

                                              Karla and Ed Kelsey
                                               Woodpeckers Club

Posted by: Rosemarie Kraus und Martin Rometsch, Germany
Wed August 03, 2016
I got today the sad news about my cousin George`s passing.
We are very sad and our thoughts are with all of you.

In deep sympathy,
Rosi and Martin

Posted by: Terry Riley
Thu August 04, 2016
My deepest sympathy to both the Schmid and Gang families.  I am thankful for many great memories of time spent with Mr. Schmid, and many lessons learned. Wishing you all peace and strength, and I hope that your own memories will comfort you in your time of loss.