Guest Book for A. Carole (Noble) Covino

Provided by Gang Memorial Chapel

Posted by: judy meetze
Sun September 14, 2014
my deepest sympathies to all of you.  Carole was a good friend for over 35 years   will miss you Carole

Posted by: Andrea Brown
Mon September 15, 2014
I only knew Carol through the gym at Kelly Lyn,but was very saddened to hear of her passing.I fully expected to see her back,in her matching gym outfits,in the front row!
She had a wonderful sense of humor and was a kind and gentle woman.My sympathies to the family,and to you Michael..she spoke of you often.I will really miss seeing her.God bless.
Andrea Brown

Posted by: Le Moyne College Alumni
Mon September 15, 2014
Please accept the most heartfelt sympathies of Le Moyne College.  We hope the love and memories that you will forever hold in your heart bring you peace and comfort during this difficult time.  
Le Moyne College, Office of Alumni and Parent Programs
Syracuse, NY

Posted by: Meg Vosburgh
Mon September 15, 2014
My deepest condolences to Carol's family.  I always admired her as a colleague and was impressed by her commitment to her students and craft.

Posted by: Sue Moran
Mon September 15, 2014
My condolances to Carole's sons and Michael.  I taught with Carole for years at Gillette and always enjoyed working with her.  She cared about her students and staff members.  Even brought in homemade pasta for our lunch!

I'm saddened to hear of her passing.


Posted by: Julie DeAngelo Hilbert
Wed September 17, 2014
I had the privilege of working with Carole for many years at Gillette Road Middle school. She would always check in on "the new kid" like a loving mother and helped me when I needed someone. As time went by it became a relationship of mutual appreciation where we could help each other and grow together.  I remember so many times when we'd get into a conversation about the kids or our work and it always had the same underlying theme....heart. She had such a huge heart and really cared about what she did. I treasured her guidance and so greatly appreciated her friendship. I'm sorry I wasn't able to be there to share this with you in person as I just learned of her passing, but thank you for the opportunity to share my memories and celebrate her spirit.  She will be missed, but will always be with us.

Posted by: Patrick Christopher
Thu September 18, 2014
So sorry to hear of your mom's passing.  Hope you and your family are well.  
Sounds like your mom was a treasured person.
Pat Christopher

Posted by: Traci Ezzo
Fri September 19, 2014
With condolences to Carole's family and friends. Carole was always so friendly and nice to those of us at the gym. We will miss having her there up in front taking the aerobic classes! :)