Guest Book for Anthony F. Crescenzi

Provided by Gang Memorial Chapel

Sun July 17, 2011
Roslyn, I recently found pictures of us in our 1st Communion dresses.  Fond memories of your mom inviting me to stay for "pizza" pie.  Never heard of it before.  My mom only made apple or pumpkin.  It sure smelled good!  I'm sure you have many fond memories of you times w/ your dad.  He appears to have been a wonderful man and I am sorry for your loss.

Posted by: Bonnie and Sam Laquidari
Sun July 17, 2011
Our thoughts are with you.  Tony was one of the greatest guys I ever had the pleasure of working with.

Posted by: Pat & Carl Hemmer
Sun July 17, 2011
To Tony's family:  We want to express our deep sympathy to all of you for the loss of your Dad.  We've known Tony through his nearly quarter century marriage with our sister, Bea, and he was always ready to welcome us to his home and table.  Despite the loss of his presence with us, we're glad that his final days were quick, relatively free of pain, and supported by all of you who cared for him.  The Lord who gave him life is now giving him a life without end.


Posted by: Marcie, Tom, and Brenna O''Reilly
Sun July 17, 2011
What a generous, funny, and entertaining guy!  We will miss his stories and his humor.  We're so happy we got to visit with him over New Years!

Posted by: Debbie Clark and the late Gary Clark
Mon July 18, 2011
Condolences to Bea Crescenzi and the Crescenzi children.  You will be in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Posted by: Chip Pierce
Mon July 18, 2011
sorry we can't be there for the services. He had a long and fruitful life. Our sympathy to all of you.

Chip and Baiba Pierce

Posted by: Andrew, Kim, Alexandra and Madalyn White
Mon July 18, 2011
Our sincere condolences to Aunt Bea Crescenzi, and to Uncle Tony''s children and family.  We will always remember him as a fun-loving, gregarious, larger-than-life and most generous man, and uncle.  Always so welcoming, and caring, Uncle Tony was a principled man, but forever endearing. Upon visiting Germany back in 1988, he and my Aunt Bea made a point to visit me while I was stationed there, and to be the first in the familiy to welcome Kim into the evergrowing White-Hemmer family, congratulating us on our pending nuptials. He forever will be known as "Cuddles" to my girls.  Its'' been a pleasure to be able to call him Uncle these past nearly 25 years.  He will be missed.

Posted by: Clare, CJ, Malcolm, Maura & Maeve Hemmer
Tue July 19, 2011
Our hearts and prayers go out to all of you. CJ's memories of Tony include
Bea and him coming all the way to CJ's college graduation in Colorado a
few(?) years ago. He was fond of sharing the stories of his travels and
adventures, and we remember him being very devoted to CJ's Aunt Bea. We
share in the sorrow of his passing and pray for comfort for Bea and the rest of his family.

Posted by: Clare, CJ, Malcolm, Maura & Maeve Hemmer
Tue July 19, 2011
Our hearts and prayers go out to all of you. CJ''s memories of Tony include
Bea and him coming all the way to CJ''s college graduation in Colorado a
few(?) years ago. He was fond of sharing the stories of his travels and
adventures, and we remember him being very devoted to CJ''s Aunt Bea. We
share in the sorrow of his passing and pray for comfort for Bea and the rest of his family.

Posted by: Tom and Loretta Clark
Tue July 19, 2011
Bea, we were very sorry to read of Tony's passing. Tom recalls Tony proudly showing him his various projects in addition to what he had done to the basement on Washburn Drive. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.   Tom and Loretta Clark, Minoa

Posted by: Art and Pat Spencer
Tue July 19, 2011
Tony and Family, we are so sorry to hear of your father's passing.  We did not know he was a veteran of WW II and was in the Battle of the Bulge as well as others. What a remarkable life he has had.  We all appreciate his service to our country.

We are sorry we cannot be there but you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Art and Pat

Posted by: Donna and Jeff Sullivan
Fri July 29, 2011
Roz, Tony, Eileen, Caralyn and Family:

Upon returning from vacation, we just found out about the passing of your Dad.
He was a great guy as we enjoyed many memorable moments with him.  Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you during this time. The fond memories you have of him will bring that certain subtle smile to each of you and will help you through the times ahead.