Guest Book for Bridget Ann Pulido

Provided by Gregory J. Gonce Funeral Home, P.A.

Posted by: Troy Pulido
Fri July 17, 2015
My Dearest Mother,

I miss you so much.  I know you are in a better place, free of suffering, but I wish you were with me now.  It has been very hard these past few days since your passing, but everything has worked out I believe as you would have liked.  Your belongings are all going to the family you always loved, as you had wanted.  Its funny how your perspective of people change after death.  I found your perfume that I smelled every time I hugged and kissed you, the hairbrush that you used in the hospital with you hair still in it, your nightgown and the shoes that you always wore.  Things that you would never even think about, but now are my most cherished possessions because you touched them.  

Today is your funeral, we have taken great care to make this your special day, and I think that you will be happy.  I hope you won't hold it against me that I have dreaded this day in coming, as it feels so final, that things need to go back to normal.  But I have my family, and they have been so wonderful in supporting me during this ordeal.

I promise to take good care of your daughters and grandchildren, I know how proud you are of them and how precious they are to you.  

I will always miss you, and I am sorry how thing went during your final days with us.  You were strong and you endured until God decided to take you into your arms and give you peace and happiness.  Come visit me once in a while, it would be nice to see you again.  For now, take care, say hello to everyone up there for me, and I will see you again one day.

I love you so much, and thank you for everything you have done for me.