Guest Book for Robert Williams

Provided by Whitaker-Eads Funeral Home

Posted by: Tawnya Jones
Tue December 23, 2014
I am truly sorry for the loss of this man not only for his family but the community and especially the kids and skateboarders who he made such a difference in their lives. When my daughter said she wanted to get a skateboard for her birthday...Switch Skateboards was where all the local skateboarders told us to go..telling us of Rob and how great he was. On her birthday we met him...he came in to the shop especially for us when he was closed that day...and he took the time to teach us so much in that short time and inspired my daughter in her desire to get a skatepark in Chillicothe....still taking baby steps toward that goal but I want to say he was an amazing man according to my brief contact with him and especially from the young kids that admired and looked up to him. I am saddened to know of his passing but am comforted in the positive impact he had on many peoples lives through his involvement in skateboarding and the time he spent with them.

Posted by: Teddy Neill II
Tue December 23, 2014
Robert and his family are true friends and helped me through alot of rough times in the last 10 years. I moved away this past May and come back for the holidays and found out he had pass. He will truly be missed by all. He was making a difference in Trenton and in many peoples lives by helping them and showing them the better way of life. Prayers go out to his Family from all of us. R.I.P My friend and watch over those who truly need you there.

Posted by: Rhonda Watkins
Tue December 23, 2014
Vicki, I am so sorry to hear about Robert.  He has done so much for Trenton.  My prayers are with you and the girls at this most difficult time.

Posted by: Rev. Mike Dennis
Tue December 23, 2014
My deepest sympathy and condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Williams. I pray for God the Father to pour His peace and comfort down on you during this time.

Posted by: Debra Huffstutter
Tue December 23, 2014
RIP Robert until we all see each other again someday!  You're going to be sadly missed.  You already are........  Sending you prayers and hugs Vikki & daughters and to all the babies at home.

Posted by: Jim Rash
Thu December 25, 2014
Miss Vicki,  my heart truly aches for your loss.  Robert was a very special man and true to his faith.  I can only pray that when my time comes, I have half as much faith and courage as Robert had.  He indeed taught me a lot during the short time that I've known him.  God rest his soul.

Jim, Judy and Pierce Rash

Posted by: stacy davis
Sun December 28, 2014
Hey Rob, This is your pal, friend and most of all your brother in CHRIST! You were there for me when no one else was. You did things for me out of love like clean my room, get rid of things for me when I needed money and call your mother for natural cures for problems I was having when came to associated complications with my chronic disease when others were nowhere to be found. And when you said you would do something you did it. I could always count on you and I don't think you ever realized how much that meant to me. One thing I always wanted to tell you but never got a chance too say and that was the love you had to see young kids do something good with their lives but most of all it was the love you had for Vikki. You two would meet for lunch everyday and ever weekend you would take her out of town for dinner and a drive. I have never seen someone love there wife like you did. It was like you just started dating it was a very special kind of love that you shared with her, like you were courting her like you just met , I can only hope and pray that I can experience that kind of love in my life, She was so special to you and you showed her every chance you had. Vikki your a special women and Rob wanted you to know that and it was also so much fun to see your faith in God increase day by day. You always kept me in check and prayed with me to keep my head up and helped keep fighting the good fight, I am so happy you got to experience the country life, you lit up when you talked about it for one you had no where to go but you put it in GOD'S hands and bam you had a roof over your head. I'm going to do my best not to cry for you but celebrate your life as it was one we all should try to achieve, Your heart was filled with the spirit and you were always ready to share Christ with others and that is something that I will always have. I can take comfort knowing that you went to your true home(Heaven) and that is something to celebrate and I know without any reservation that your family can take comfort in this fact. Thank you for the memories and keep a look out for your family and I, let me say a little prayer for you and yours, Dear Heavenly Father thank you so much Rob's life and what he did for his community and family for blessing us with Rob's life, know that you were loved by many and thank you Lord for the times we shared I'll treasure those memories the rest of my days till the day God calls me Home and we can do it all over again but this time with no pain or sorrow but our hearts full of joy living eternity with our King. Amen. Your pal, your friend and most of all your brother in Christ. Gone but not forgotten. Rest in piece my brother, Robert Williams 1968-2014.

Posted by: Chris and Elena Atchison / South Central Skateboard Mfg
Fri March 06, 2015
We are so sorry to hear of Roberts passing. He was such a nice guy and had such a personality. He was so passionate about skateboarding and knew the industry well. It was a joy working with him, and he will truly be missed. Our prayers go out to his family.  
Chris and Elena Atchison
South Central Skateboard Mfg